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Submission Guideline

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Conference Submission Process

Full Submission Procedure

Abstract Submission Procedure

Paper/Abstract Submission Instructions

1. Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)

Authors with accepted full papers will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be published in the conference proceedings.

2. Abstract (Presentation only)

Authors with accepted abstracts will be invited to give the oral presentation or poster presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.

3. Word Template

Download the Full Paper Template Download the Abstract Template

4. Submission System for IEECSC

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Paper Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be written in English.

The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template.

The paper should be within FIVE Pages including all figures, tables, and references. If the paper exceeds 5 pages, extra pages should be paid at RMB 350 / USD 50 per page.

Your manuscript should be submitted as a PDF document in .pdf format.

Plagiarism is prohibited.

Duplicate submission is prohibited.

Innovation and scientific value is a must.

Tips: For more details about IEEE Template, please click on the link:

Paper Review

1. All papers will undergo a thorough peer review process. Accepted full papers that are presented at the conference will be published in proceedings.

2. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.

3. Review comments will be communicated to you and you may require to do necessary revisions and send revised paper on or before prescribed day.

Call for Reviewers

Reviewers evaluate article submissions to IEECSC, based on the requirements of the conference proceedings, predefined criteria, and quality, completeness and accuracy of the research presented. They suggest improvements and make a recommendation to the editor about whether to accept, reject or request changes to the article. We sincerely welcome experts in the areas of Electrical Engineering and Energy join the conference as reviewer. If you are interested in joining IEECSC as Reviewer, please click the below button to submit your information.

Apply for Reviewer

Plagiarism Policy

The content of any submissions should be original and must not be submitted simultaneously for consideration towards publication in any other conference or journal. Reuse of material previously published by the authors is possible under the conditions that the authors fully disclose (cite) the reference and clearly highlight the innovative contribution of the IEECSC 2024 submission and the significance of this contribution.